
Friday, August 14, 2015

"Raspberry, Jazzberry, Razzamatazzberry" | Savoring Summer

A few years ago, we planted raspberries that continue to multiply in bounty - so much so that every couple of days we go out and gather a small bowl full. While we're delighted with our abundance, we were in need of some new ideas for enjoying them.

And then my Martha Stewart Living arrived in the mail and solved all our problems.

(p.s. Hands down, this is the best magazine ever. I can read it cover to cover in a few hours, every page is beautifully photographed and thoughtfully laid out, content is streamlined and pertinent, and there are always a dozen ideas I want to try. A $12 subscription is the best money I spend every year.)

This month's issue had a spread on how to make jam and I couldn't believe how simple it was.

First, I picked my berries...

Weighed in at just under a pound, so I modified the recipe to my proportions.

After a gentle rinse, I boiled them with sugar and lemon juice per the directions below, and voila!

Raspberry Jam

I didn't bother with canning. We eat it so fast that I just put it into a clean jar and threw it in the refrigerator. It'll be gone in a week, especially with this little girl in the house...

jam mustache 

One of the other amazing Martha recipes I tried earlier in the week was named a "fool." (So called by the Brits.) Three ingredients - that's it. Whip up 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream with a mixer until it makes soft peaks, then fold in 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt, and swirl in 1/2 cup of raspberry jam. Spoon into cups and set in the refrigerator for at least an hour. It is amazing. And easy. I topped them with fresh berries from the garden.


3 lb berries
3 1/3 c sugar
pinch of salt
2 T fresh lemon juice

Stir fruit, sugar, and salt together in a large, heavy bottom pan until sugar dissolves.
Mash fruit with potato masher.
Boil, add lemon juice, continue to boil, stirring frequently until bubbles slow and mixture falls from spoon in clumps (10-12 minutes).
Ladle into clean containers with 3/4 inch head room. Cool completely. Refrigerate up to one month, freeze up to one year.

Buen provecho!


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