
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

August | 2015

"Excitement hung around Anne like a garment, shone in her eyes, kindled in every feature. She had come dancing up the lane, like a wind-blown sprite, through the mellow sunshine and lazy shadows of the August evening."

- L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Lucy, you say everything so well, and I adore this depiction of August.

Speaking of August, where did it go???
Pondering on our wanderings, we filled our days with picking sweet and juicy garden treasures, hosted and played with a great many friends, baked and jumped and laughed til our heart's content, and mourned the loss of a loved one. It was a full month - they always are - and we found joy in it all.

Here are some highlights from our August...

impromptu Milo bath

A Most Marvelous Monday Morning | thank you, Libby, for the "new" vintage music box and necklace for Alice's 3rd birthday!

twirling just like her box

Milo & Mama

first fishtail
Thank you, Rebecca Forsyth!
After cutting my hair (at Bungalow 8 - always), Rebecca asked if she could try out a new braid she saw on Pinterest that morning, and I almost squealed/cried/shouted "yes!" For my first ever big-girl braid, she kind of spoiled me.

Side note: right after my hair appointment, I came over to JD, Alice, and Milo at Red Mango and greeted them with an "Hola, Familia!" About 5 minutes later, the gentleman sitting next to us said "Hablan espanol?" We enjoyed a refreshing chat in our second language, made a new friend, and got invited to a party for Ecuadorians in Omaha the following day at Lake Zorinsky! We went - claro - and brought fresh bread and a heaping box of our garden's bounty to share. In return, we ate the most amazing ceviche of our lives (among a great many other of their countries coveted dishes) and danced and mingled and basked in how awesome God is to make relationships that started with two words the day before. Alice and Milo brought their bubbles to share and made loads of friends :)

Thank you, Gramma Jo & Papa Bear, for my new balancing bike with Frozen hand guards and knee pads!
I love zooming along like the big kids :D

mid-month harvest
eggplant, bell peppers, purple dragon carrots, onion, cabbage, jalapenos

Robin Hood, Maid Marian, and Little John
morning fun with friends :)

weekend ritual: Starbucks

Thank you Bethany, Carson, Jackson, & Cooper (see Robin Hood and Little John above) for the Hello Kitty activity book and crayons you gave me for my birthday! I put it in my backpack and it keeps me occupied for at least 45 minutes while mommy and daddy enjoy a coffee and Milo tries to escape.
(Seriously guys, thank you.)

milk mustache...and beard
Alice's order? Whipped cream and a spoon.


showing Milo how to pretend

hosted a baby shower for our lovely cousin, Adrienne
Congrats, A! Can't wait to meet Baby Girl
(and sorry we missed you, Christie! It didn't dawn on us to take a photo til everyone had left)

 Grandma Bev holding Milo & Papa Phil holding Alice

fresh flowers
These came from an arrangement that were given in honor of my Aunt Toni's life and passing. More on that to come, but a poignant reminder that this life is so temporary and that we need to share Jesus and love those in our lives every moment we get.

fallen flowers
This may be our compost bowl, but you guys, it's a complimentary color scheme!
Finding beauty and joy in the midst of death and decay...isn't that what still-life and this life is all about?

watery light
This early morning light in the playroom had me running for my camera. Isn't if funny how old window panes cast light that looks like you're under water?

Made these cookies for JD last week - my taste-testers approved.

scaling stairs

water wanderer
This photo is a new favorite. (I love his reflection in the water puddle.) Initially I walked through the dining room looking for Milo, when all of a sudden something caught my eye outside and when I turned to see what it was, there was my boy halfway across the deck! He figured out how to open the screen door and decided to let himself out to explore a bit. Can't say I blame you, Milo - puddles await.

speaking of adventurers...
...we explored the Wildlife Safari south of Ashland, NE and it was amazing!
Post to come.
p.s. he is such a good daddy. This man.

edamame harvest

tomato harvest
Big Beef, Salsa, & Purple Cherokee

bumps and bibs
Hosted Lyndsay's Summer 2015 Pistachio Open House and enjoyed chatting with friends and family (our best customers) while snacking on shelled pistachios (get it?). Thanks to everyone for coming and stocking up!
In case you missed it, check out her summer line here.

jump-rope headband
Alice's latest innovation
Did you know that a jump-rope is actually a leash? And an accessory? And a harness?? Well it is!

Thank you Aunt Angela and Uncle Sam and Aaron and Ethan for my fun new birthday modeling set! I love love lovvvvvvve squishing and shaping play-dough. How did you know? You must be my Godparents :)

happy Milo

new gear
Have I mentioned that I absolutely love my new camera and lens??? Oh you guys, it is seriously the best. The quality of my work this past month is 100x better than what I was doing before. I had an inkling that my gear was holding me back before, but I could never have guessed just how much.

See below...

I finally leveled up and now I feel like a big girl in the photography world :)

orchard gems
Fall is almost here!

Happy September from me and mine :D

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