
Sunday, July 7, 2013

the first letter to Alice...

March 10th, 2012


This is the first time I'm writing to you. You're like a not-so-distant pen-pal, albeit rather one-sided. It's been so amazing to see you growing in my belly. We first started calling you "Peanut" because that's about how big you were. And now you have toes, fingers, a nose, a belly, and a perfect little spine and ribs. You even hiccuped on the ultrasound. In short, you're perfect. Your daddy & I love you so much. 

We're at Starbucks right now while I write this, and when he asked what I was doing, he said "tell her how much I love her." Your dad is the most wonderful man. I am lucky to have him for a husband. Someday I'll tell you our love story.

Everyone already loves you and can't wait to meet you. Especially your grandparents. Papa Bear can't wait to build you a castle and make all of your dreams come true and Gramma Jo can't wait to play games with you. Aunt Lynnie has an Etsy list a mile long of all of the things she wants to give you. Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Linda will cherish every time you see them because they live so far away. You will be a very blessed little girl. And your dad & I can't wait to love you and teach you things. Gardening, Spanish, compassion, baking, servant-heartedness, dancing, and the list goes on. We're going to have so much fun! And I can't wait for you to know Jesus. He loves you even more than all of us combined - and that's saying something!

I can feel you moving now. It feels like you're doing somersaults inside - or kickboxing. It's kind of a breathless feeling. My belly is getting bigger. Gramma Jo and Aunt Lynnie took me shopping the other day because none of my clothes are fitting! And I bought something for you the other day, too - it's a little grey, crocheted hat and mittens that are penguin-like. They're so cute. I hope you like them. You'll wear them this winter - which isn't far away again! You'll be here in 4 1/2 months. That blows my mind. Ready or not, here you come! I'll be writing more letters. 

We love you bunches, Peanut. Keep growing and kicking.


excerpts from my journal to Alice


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