
Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Halls ♥ The Henry Doorly Zoo

What a wonderful zoo we have so close to us! We've never bought a year long pass, but as Alice is getting bigger (and Milo hot on her heels) I hope we can soon. For the time being, we go when friends offer to bring us along with their passes. A couple of days ago, our friends Katharine and Josh brought us with them and it was the most perfect day you could ask for - a Tuesday morning, mid 70's, sunshine and breeze...aaaaah. It was lovely. I probably said "what a glorious day for the zoo!" at least 20 times. 

Kat pulled Alice and Josh around in the wagon (a treat for Lady Alice, let me assure you) and I pushed Milo (for this first trip to the zoo!) around in the stroller. We packed light - diaper bag and a cooler for a picnic lunch - and we picked out the places we wanted to see. That's probably another perk to being so close and getting to go more frequently - we're not compelled to see it all in one day. We can spend more time enjoying just the places we love most. For Alice and Josh, that would mean the aquarium...

"cute and cuddly boys, cute and cuddly"
goofy penguins might be Alice's favorite

Milo's first penguin sighting
I know it's a dark and noisy photo, but it was too sweet to delete. Those eyes! They say, "Mama, what sort of magical place have you brought me to? By the way, my shoulder straps are delicious."

creepy crabs
These things give me the willies! They look like alien monsters of the deep.

coral reef

Alice's little friend, Josh
Kat and I were in the same birthing class so Josh and Alice are only a matter of days apart.

Showing Alice the ropes - this is Josh's favorite

the tunnel


jungle time!

Close to nap time

Kat & Alice

circa 2013 | 2015
Is it possible that just 2 years ago you were this little bear, Alice?

this fancy fella lived up to his stereotype and posed for me :)

icing on the cake

After that we picnicked by the bears, wound our way back through the gorillas and cats, and packed up for a quiet ride home with all three of them sleeping in the back row.

I'd say it was a success.

Thanks again, Kat & Josh, for the fun day!

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