
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Copy Cat | A Quick Painting

The other day, I was helping my Gramma purge her book collection, when in the back of a storage room I spied two lovely old, rather shabby gold frames. Upon exclaiming over them she invited me to take them and I gladly accepted. Once I got them home, I repaired the smaller one and realized the little brown canvas my sister brought over just a week before fit perfectly inside of it.

A painting needed to happen! And immediately.

I hopped on Pinterest to my Easel board to see what inspirations I had logged for later, and my heart and eyes decided on this lovely one from Emily Jeffords...


Isn't it gorgeous?!!!
The colors. The moodiness. The movement.
I had to make it for myself.

So with Alice in quiet time and a Milo roving around, I busted out my paint things and began a quick (3 hour) impressionistic version of my own...

base layer


Realized after this point that I needed to paint the sides of my canvas gold, so I taped everything off and gave it a quick coat.


It's not nearly as lovely as the original (mine is a bit blue and simplistic), but it's a close enough rendering that captures the drama in the sky I loved so much, not to mention this was just great a great practice in observation and interpreting.

Cheers to free art!

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