
Monday, October 19, 2015

The Beerman Family | Fall 2015

My office of the day? Chalco Hills  - with this fun family.

Oh my goodness, did we have a good time! Despite the cruel October heat (90 degrees...in the fall...when all we want is to be gallivanting around in sweaters and scarves), we passed a lovely afternoon wading through grass, giggling, and generally making photo magic. One of the things I've realized I am drawn to and want to capture are movement and candid, intimate moments. Of course we get the standard smiles and poses, but these are a few of my favorites...

the wind blowing Chelsea's hair, along with the love of her daddy, totally makes a special place in my heart

grands are grand

Thank you, Amanda, for giving me a peek into the affection and love of your family.
Hope you enjoy these :D

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