In the midst of my busy season, I am only just now getting through personal photos from the last few months, and there were so many from Halloween that is gets it's very own post!
This year, Grandma Linda saved the day. About a week before Halloween I was still brainstorming and panicking what Alice would be, and then a lovely package filled with a Cinderella costume, Snow White costume, wintry royal cape, and a scepter arrived just in time. They were meant for dress up, but the whole time I was singing Hallelujah in my head!
Milo's costume was a hodgepodge of things from our dress up trunk: a Scandinavian sweater onesie, gypsy vest, wool and salmon skin booties (thank you, Aunt Lynnie!), and Alice's bear cowl we had made a couple of years ago. Cute and done.
My parents and sister came over for chili and bread, Lyn brought wine and cornbread muffins and my parents brought ice cream for us as well as candy to pass out. It's been a fun tradition now that we live in town and have littles :) After dinner, JD and I packed up the princess and went for a bike ride to a nearby neighborhood where we trick or treated to our heart's content while my family and Milo stayed behind to greet trick-or-treaters. (Milo loves when the door bell rings and opening the door for people. He was the perfect host.) Alice was a splendidly polite little lady, however, she did have to correct one person as to her identity.
"I love your Elsa costume!" one lady exclaimed. "Actually, I'm Cinderella." Actually. Ha!
(I will also mention that Alice's costume was the nicest Cinderella one we saw - and there were a lot! Not sure where you got it Grandma Linda, but it was the best!!)
Once it got cold, we packed our little Ella up and rode home where we dumped her candy for all to see and got ready for bed.
It was a lovely evening and we can't wait to take Milo out next year!
really gotta work on those curtsies...
"not too close, Ewok"
Happy Halloween!
(one month late :S)
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